How to Lower FPS on Airsoft Gun

How You Can Reduce The FPS Of Your Airsoft Gun

If for some reason you may need to lower the fps of your airsoft gun, there are several ways that this can be done.

However, if you are not really a fixer of airsoft guns, you should just ask a professional who has the experience of doing it.

If you are just tinkering for the first time, you might end up destroying your toy gun.

Definitely, you can lower the fps of your airsoft gun. And whatever is your reason for doing so; your gun’s fps will be reduced to accommodate your objective.

Here are some of the ways that the fps of an airsoft gun can be lowered.

These Are The Suggestions From Answers Yahoo:

This website has published several suggestions on how the fps of your airsoft can be reduced.

One of the suggestions is to buy a low tension spring and replace the spring of the gun with it.

Additionally, you should buy a velocity reducer such as the one made by Tokyo Marui.

And then buy and install a piston head that is non-ported, and install an O-ring on the piston head.

Another suggestion from this website, which it claims is the easiest way, is to fire the AEG but not allowing it to go full cycle.

This method will surely lower the tension in the spring of the gun, claims this website. However, it issues a warning that this method won’t be good for the piston and the gears.

Here Are Some Tips From Quora says that there are two ways to legally lower the fps of an airsoft gun.

One of the legal ways, this website says, is to install a weaker spring on your airsoft gun. The second legal way is to cut a small length of the spring.

In the first method, this website suggests that an M100 spring or M110 spring could do the trick of reducing the gun’s fps lower than the 350 FPS threshold.

It goes on to say that velocity reducers are not allowed on many fields although they are more consistent.

Other methods such as quick succession shots are not very reliable in reducing fps while full auto and burst firing will lead to gun failure. But going on slow semi-automatic firing may work pretty well.

These Two Additional Tips Could Reduce Your Gun’s FPS

In another forum, Answers Yahoo offered additional suggestions on how you can reduce the fps of your airsoft gun.

One of the suggestions is to put your gun in a semi. But you need to do it fast so that the gun does not fire.

Then pull back the trigger while the gun is on semi, but don’t do it fully because the gun will fire.

The idea is to pull back the trigger really fast in order that the gears of the gun will pull back but will not release the BB. Keep the trigger in this position overnight.

The sustained tension will weaken the spring, which may lower the gun’s fps.

The other tip is applicable if you have a new airsoft gun. This website suggests that you shoot the gun a lot.

Fresh guns tend to have very high fps but once they are broken or used many times, its tension spring will be more relaxed and your gun will acquire a lower fps.

Another way you can do this is by changing the hop up nub with a bigger one just as thick but soft as the red and black wire that is covering the lipo battery.

Get a small portion of these wires as big as the hop up nub, and replace the original one with it.

Each time that you need to reduce your gun’s fps, just turn down the hop up. This will tighten its grip on the BB and will lower the fps as the pellet passes through it.

These suggestions do not require you to change the spring of the gun but it will definitely lower your fps.

How About Reducing The FPS Of Your Airsoft Rifle?

Another forum, UK Answers Yahoo also offers some tips on lowering the fps of airsoft rifles which are mainly used by snipers in field matches.

The fps of a typical sniper is around 550. If you need to reduce this speed, here are some tips that this forum has published.

1. Buy and install new internals on your airsoft rifle. This website claims that there are kits that are available in the market that you can buy.

Just choose a kit that is compatible with your airsoft rifle and one that will lower your gun’s fps.

But be careful in installing the kit because if it is improperly installed, it may damage your gun. Don’t worry though.

This website claims that installing it will not be difficult since your gun does not have that many parts to be worried about.

2. Use heavier BBs. If your first priority is a slower fps, you should use heavier BBs. This will definitely reduce the range of your rifle, but you will be able to lower the speed of your ammos.

On the other hand, your accuracy will improve because a heavier BB has greater kinetic energy.

This will make its travel straighter increasing its chances of hitting the target better.

However, there’s a chance that your BB will be timed by the field and you might be disallowed.

3. The particular gas that you use to power your airsoft gun can either raise its fps or lower it. If you want to reduce your fps, use a weaker gas. But be sure that it is also dependable.

Don’t buy the cheapest gas you can find. They can destroy your airsoft gun. There should be weaker gases sold in the market that are reliable and won’t harm your gun.

If you can’t find one, then don’t buy the gas even if it is the cheapest.

For more information about how you can lower your airsoft gun’s fps, watch this short YouTube video.

It contains additional information on how to reduce the fps of an airsoft gun without using any tools.

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